Welcome to the broadest and most locally sourced, free newsletter in the hotel industry.

…also probably the best ☺️

Just ten minutes, to get the news, the tips, the trends and everything you need as a hotelier to stay abreast with the industry.

  • Mission

    To inform hoteliers of the key news of the industry around you. Keep the news easy to read and practical. So you can get on with your day.

  • Why us?

    We work only with the news from your region. The international news is often too broad. What is happening in France? Germany? Spain? etc

  • Our Readers

    Tens of thousands of hotels in Europe receive our newsletter every time. We aim to deliver 10 Minutes Hotels to every hotelier in Europe.

The numbers

120+ Sources



Hotel subscribers

40+ Sources



Hotel subscribers



Hotel subscribers

30+ Sources

Subscribe 😉

Subscribe 😉

  • Easy to read

  • Fact based summaries

  • Priority on local news

  • Spam

  • Non-disruptive

  • Read by thousands

  • Un-sensational

“Easy to read, to the point. Just how I like it”

Marc M.

“10 minutes, full of rich information.”

Floriane M.

“10mn packed with inspiration and expertise.”

David K.


Read our previous editions

Some topics we frequently cover

Legal and Finance:

Stay updated with the latest developments in laws, regulations, and financial trends affecting the hospitality industry.

Hotel Marketing:

Discover the latest news, strategies and tips for promoting your hotel effectively and attract more guests.

Environment and CSR:

Learn about initiatives and practices that hotels are adopting to become more sustainable and socially responsible.

Market Trends:

Get insights into the evolving preferences of travelers and how the hotel market is adapting to these changes.

Tech & Innovation:

Read about the latest technological advancements and innovations that are transforming the hotel industry.

Hotel Management & Operations:

Gain knowledge on efficient hotel management practices and operational strategies to improve your hotel's performance and guest satisfaction.

Benefits of subscribing

Subscribing provides you with the latest trends, legal updates, and financial insights in the hospitality industry, ensuring you’re always informed and ahead of competitors.

Stay Ahead of the Curve 🚀

💡Practical Tips and Strategies

Receive actionable advice and strategies on hotel marketing, management, and eco-friendly practices, enabling you to improve your hotel’s efficiency, sustainability, and guest satisfaction.

Discover the newest technological advancements and innovative solutions being adopted in the hotel industry, helping you to modernize your operations and offer cutting-edge services to your guests.

Discover 🤖Innovation

Easy to read, non-distruptive, and free!

Get subscribed today!


About us & the newsletter

  • We are Tony and Martin, co-founders of this newsletter, and we share a passion for the hospitality industry. With over a decade of experience each, our journey has taken us through the heart of the hotel world, managing marketing for hundreds of hotels. We've immersed ourselves in every facet of the industry, from working directly in hotels to spearheading initiatives in hotel marketing companies and pioneering solutions with hotel technology companies. Find us on LinkedIn here:
    Martin and Tony

  • We understand the value of simplicity and accessibility, especially for busy hoteliers who are constantly on the move. A newsletter by email isn’t disruptive, you read it when you want. It can be easily read on the subway, on a plane, or anywhere else, without the need for an internet connection (but you’ll want to click on the articles eventually :). We wanted to offer something that, at a glance, gives hoteliers a comprehensive overview of the most important news and trends in the hospitality industry.

    Our goal was to create a tool that respects the pace of hoteliers, not one that competes for their attention with constant notifications or urgent news flashes. We believe in providing valuable information that can be consumed on your terms, allowing you to stay informed and ahead of the curve, without disrupting your day-to-day responsibilities. So that’s why a newsletter.

  • 10 Minutes Hotels is dedicated to providing hoteliers with helpful, informative news that aids in understanding market directions and industry trends. We steer clear of sensationalism and breaking news, focusing instead on curating the best sources of information that truly matter to the hospitality industry. Whether it's insights from reputable news outlets, practical advice from seasoned vendors, or strategic guidance from leading consultants, our content is meticulously selected to ensure relevance and value.

    The goal of our newsletter is to create a community of well-informed hoteliers who are equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry. We believe in empowering our readers with information that not only keeps them updated but also provides actionable insights to help them stay competitive. By combining diverse sources and expert opinions, we aim to deliver a comprehensive overview that helps hoteliers make informed decisions and understand where the market is headed.